
diumenge, 15 de maig del 2016

My English competence in 2016

Best oral evidence

This oral presentation was the last that I have done. From my point of view I believe that to be the last may be it is the one that has more bugs corrected from the other presentations. I also have to add that I have not only improved in fluency and pronunciation, but it is also more merit due I've done by myself; what I had to say and the visual reinforcement. In addition, I exposed my research work, which I was very helpful when it comes to talk about it because I felt confident and proud of what explained. In this oral presentation you can see the progress I've made on my English. I think it's my best oral presentation for the maturity and because I talk about a very interesting scientific topic which is “stem cells”, where I expose my research work of high school.

Best written evidence

I’ve chosen this written composition as the best because it’s a formal letter, a structure with a high level to follow and there are some formal expressions language that you have to take care when you’re writing a formal letter.
I decided to write it because it’s the hardest type of composition for me and I have to improve this kind of writings. The structure doesn’t follow the other usually structures as you can see in the composition. There is used a formal and mature language without contractures and bad order sentences. You have to aware that you’re writing to someone who is important so the salutation and the end of the composition have to finish with a determinate way.

So it’s the hardest one and following a model I wrote down one respecting all the specific points a formal letter has to have. It will be very useful when I have a job and I have to write one to my boss if I’m not the boss of course. 

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